M&F Stringing can fold your trimmed, scored hangtags to their finished size. M&F’s expert staff can help with folding all sorts of hangtags, like circles and die-cut shapes. We can also double parallel-fold in order to create accordion-fold booklets, or inward-folding multiple-panel hangtags. Difficult shapes and sizes are our specialty.
For projects with folding in the scope of work, it can be useful to have us fold your tags, as well. Our production staff are very familiar with the often-interconnected processes of folding and stringing. This can be valuable if a problem becomes apparent. Minor adjustments to the folding process are often made to prevent a problem with the appearance of the finished, strung piece. We want to ensure that your finished piece looks just right.
Our experts have experience with difficult configurations of many kinds. We can deal with right-angle folded pieces and die-cut folded tags. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about our capabilities.

Standard 4-Page Folded Tags
The most popular folded tag configuration, by far, is the simple four-page tag. The use of the term ‘four-page’ refers to each side of each panel: four in total. We can even fold very small tags: as small as 2-1/2″ by 1-1/4″ down to 1-1/4″ by 1-1/4″.

6-Page Folded Tags (Three-Panel)
We can also fold your six-page (three panel) tags. These are ideal for recipes and cocktail mixing instructions, and accordingly, are often used with liquor and specialty food tags, to tell the story of a brand creatively and effectively.

Folded Circle Tags
We specialize in folding odd shapes, and one of the difficult configurations we see most often is a folded circle. Circular tags can be very effective in drawing the gaze of the consumer to a product, and with the use of a fold, there can be a lot of extra space for copy.