Mercerized cotton, one of our most commonly used string options, is available in both a standard weight (5/2) and a heavier weight (3/2) option. Our mercerized cotton string is a simple and beautiful solution, and is also our most color-fast string. This attribute makes mercerized cotton string a natural choice for garment tags, furniture tags, and innumerable other applications. Mercerized cotton can typically be obtained in any color shown below for very large stringing projects. We may not be able to make every color shown below available on smaller runs.
5/2 (Lightweight) Mercerized Cotton
Our lighter weight 5/2 mercerized cotton is one of our most frequently specified string options. This is typical choice for almost any type of tag, and we see it in a wide variety of applications, most commonly with garment, accessory, and curio tags.

3/2 (Heavyweight) Mercerized Cotton
Our heavy-weight 3/2 mercerized cotton is a string option often used for tags on garments, accessories, furniture, lighting, and gifts of all kinds. From any distance, the color of the string is more noticeable in the heavier weight.

Mercerized Cotton:
3/2 vs. 5/2
​3/2 Cotton, at left, requires a 5/32″ hole, as shown. 5/2 Cotton, at right, requires a 1/8″ hole. The soft feel and brilliant array of colors for both mercerized cotton options are why these are most often specified for garment tags. As with all digital representations of materials, seeing an image of a material will never yield the same experience as holding a a physical sample.​
Color Chart
It is possible that we may not be able to obtain each and every one of the colors shown at the time of your order. As with all digital representations, the actual color of the material may not be exactly as shown on your screen.Â